Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fat Loss For Idiots Diet Review – Honest and Independent Review Diet. (3)

Review A quick story about me and why you can trust this fat loss for idiots. (3)

Some Key Points Diet

The core of their course is based around metabolism.

They tell you to eat 4 times a day. At first I didn't get it but I kept reading and understood their theory. By eating more times throughout the day your energy levels are consistent which helps to keep your metabolism high. You need to eat near to 2 hours and 30 minutes apart. They would like you to eat just short of being full.

What I love about the meals is that you're in control. You don't need to buy their foods or anything like that. You buy and cook your own foods. It's fun and engaging but their diet generator does all the hard work for you, so you don't need to worry about what you buy, counting calories or reading packet labels.

Their big secret comes down to calorie shifting. What you're doing is changing your intake of calories every day. In a sense, it tricks your bodies system into burning off more calories than it otherwise would.

Their plan is like nothing I've ever come across before. You can even drink alcohol and have late night snacks! You can't drink excessively but they say 1 glass of wine a day is ok. And something else that I really liked the sound of was that it doesn't matter about genetics. My husband's parents were extremely over weight.

They needed help getting out of bed every morning and they had a full time carer who lived with them. For my husband to know that he could still lose weigh regardless of being brought up into a family with health issues was a massive deal to him.

One of the main reasons I've come to realise when reading the course is that a lot of my fat was down to my body not getting rid of water in my body. And this was one of the main areas I focused on which helped me to lose weight and size so quickly.



Their Plan

Their diet plan is somewhere in the middle of other diet plans out there. I think it's found the bit in between which hasn't been covered before. It's a very unique course that anyone can follow.

Their food plan is great. Unlike most other food plans out there you don't have to starve yourself and you don't have to eat food that you don't like.

There's something for everybody with Fat Loss For Idiots. It consists of fruit and vegetables, protein type foods such as eggs and cottage cheese. And just because you have to lower your carbohydrates doesn't mean no more pasta. In fact, they recommend foods with starchy carbs such as pasta and oats.



Who is Fat Loss For Idiots for?

Fat Loss For Idiots is for everyone. It's for Male and females, young or old, whether you're a vegetarian or not and even if you've just got off another diet course which didn't work for you. The people it's not for are those of you who don't like the idea of eating less carbs and more protein.

The thing is, if you don't want to do things and push yourself to do the things you don't like, all you'll ever do is stay where you are. I wasn't too keen on the idea of having less carbs and more protein but as soon as I started it was much easier than I expected.

The meals are delicious!

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